Saturday, June 30, 2007

Brothers & Sisters....

I didn't have any siblings growing up so I just love to see the bond between brothers and sisters. Isn't this just too sweet??? I'm still working on this gallery, but thought I would post this for the family to see. Enjoy! PS - you can click on it to see it a little bigger.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today's Session

Oh - so adorable! These two are so funny - big brother is a total ham for the camera and little sister is a daredevil! We had a great time at the park today - and even though Dad doesn't like pictures - we got some cute ones of him too. Here's a peak at a few shots.....

Monday, June 25, 2007

Surrounded by girls

Just had to post one more - this blog thing is so much fun! I'm still working on this gallery - and testing some new borders out! I thought this was so cute! Daddy lives in a house full of girls..... just wait til they're teenagers! :)

Another Rewind...

I took these pictures several months ago. If you've looked at my website you'll recognize this little angel - she's so photogenic! Her mom is one of my dearest friends and I always have fun taking pictures with the two of them. She's already 2 years old - amazing how the time flies.

Comments anyone?

I just figured out how to enable the "comment" feature on my blog. I admit, I'm not much of a "techy" when it comes to this stuff. But, it works now - so feel free to comment..... :)


Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Twins again - and their big sister!

The whole family - aren't they sweet?! :)

We decided to put big sister in the basket - funny! These three are too adorable! Can you believe these are the same twins from the earlier posting (6 months) - my how they've grown in just a few short months! See if you can tell them apart! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another day in the park

Oh - so much fun - and so much work! I spent the morning doing a session with one of my dear friends and her two cutie kids. Grammy was there too - and we had a lovely time! It was HOT - but beautiful in the park. Here's a few preview shots for you to enjoy.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Daddy Love

The two greatest loves of my life! It melts my heart to watch them - he is already her "hero" and she finds him to be the most entertaining person around. We had a great Father's Day - and we discovered that our daughter LOVES to play Jenga! If you've never tried it with your kids - you have to go out and get it. It was a hoot! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Okay - I never claimed to be a location scout or landscape photographer, but here are some cool pics from a GREAT location I discovered today for pictures. All you have to do is imagine yourself - or your beautiful kid(s) - in each scene...... you know, on the stairs, on the tire swing, next to the big tree..... you get the picture! :) Can't wait to do my first session here - who's ready???

Monday, June 11, 2007

What is it about sunglasses???

Kids are so intrigued by them! Here's a few cute shots of my friends' kids. :)

And of course, my kid loves them too! :)

Another previous session

This is the second baby of one of my FIRST customers! We did these pics kind of late - at 4 weeks - so he was very AWAKE - but so much fun! We'll be taking his 4 month pictures soon. How time flies..... :)

How do you pick your favorite??

TWINS!! How do you pick a favorite when they're twins?! I'm going through some previous sessions to post some more pics. This was my first session with twins and they were just lovely! So sweet - and very patient with us. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Before the raspberry!!!

Oh, that smile! She's growing so fast - right before my eyes! These were two pics I managed to get BEFORE she fell off the couch and got a giant blue and purple raspberry on her forehead. :) PS - if you click on the pictures you can see them bigger.

Couldn't help it!

I just had to post one more. The innocence and beauty of youth - it's such a wonderful thing!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

They keep you on your toes!

I had so much fun with this family today. Their three year old sweetie pie is adorable and her parents were up for anything. It was HOT but we got some wonderful shots! Here's a few "previews" for the family. :)

Friday, June 8, 2007

Pregnant - For Real!!!

Nobody would believe that this beauty is 5 months pregnant - but she is!!! This is her second time around - so she knows what's coming. I can't wait to take her 8-9 months pictures to see the comparison!

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