Friday, January 4, 2008


Well - I know it's been a while since my last post. I have really been enjoying some "time-off" from sessions and pictures. Although, I have been working very hard behind the scenes on my new pricing, welcome packet and even a NEW WEBSITE! More about that later though.

Anyone who is a parent can probably relate to this dilemma.......

What do you do with the Gingerbread House after Christmas??? My husband was appalled that I would consider throwing it away - but - won't it attract ants or something? I'm not going to let my daughter eat it because she gets CRAZY when she eats lots of sugar. So, this was the best I could come up with. I took a whole bunch of pictures to forever preserve Kylie's beautiful piece of art. :) Our friend and neighbor made these special houses and invited the kids over to decorate them. Keep in mind that every piece of candy was in my daughter's mouth before it made it to the house - otherwise I would probably eat it myself! Yummy!!! :)

You'll need to click on this to see the big version.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

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