Thursday, January 24, 2008

Baby "J" is here!

Oh, what a beautiful family! Baby "J" made it into the world just before Christmas but he's still so tiny. He was a little camera shy at first, but once he fell asleep we got to take lots of fun pictures.

You would not believe what these three have been through..... They were building an addition to their home, planning to be back in before the baby - but you know how that goes. They were in a small apartment with their new baby until just last week when they moved back in. So, they are dealing with moving and boxes and organizing - all with a new baby. But, you would never know it - they were so relaxed and fun. And the addition to their home is fabulous - worth the wait!

Here's a few previews. AND, if you didn't see the maternity session, click HERE to see a couple of those pics too. :)

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