Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Couple More....

I don't think it's possible to take a bad picture of this child. I've just been finishing up this gallery for my friend and I had to post a couple more of my favorites. For all of you out there that are wondering - yes, she wore 4 different outfits - ate a lollipop AND ice cream - AND we were at the park for about 3 hours. Of course, we stopped for lunch - but thank goodness this little one has such a good disposition -- we didn't even have any meltdowns. Her mom is one of my really good friends here in Atlanta and she LOVES pictures so she's a good sport about everything. She even brought dry ice so we could keep the ice cream frozen!

And.... if you're like me and just can't get enough of her cute little face, click HERE to watch the slideshow I did with all the pictures....

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