Monday, July 9, 2007

Houston, Texas - yee-haw!

HOUSTON!! Our trip to Houston was short but sweet. My husband, daughter and I went to visit one of my long time girlfriends from junior high school. This was my first time meeting her second son and her newly adopted daughter. All three of her kids are just great to be around - and the youngest sister has a will of her own and is already a little lady with her purse and sunglasses. We had a fabulous time - it's so hard to just pick a few pictures to post but here's a snapshot of this wonderful family. THANKS for having us - and thanks to B-RAD for all the gourmet food!

The lollipop was a HUGE hit with my daughter - but our little princess wanted no part of it!


The Jamails said...

I just love love love the pictures. Thankyou so much for comming. We had a wonderful time as well. I think I gained a couple of pounds from all that BBQ. And by the way, you get free embroidery for life for being so kind to take all thoes pictures. You are a true friend!!
Love ya,
Andrea "Fartin Martin" Jamail

Anonymous said...

Hi Crystal.
I love the pictures! You do great work. Andrea told me about your visit and it sounded like you guys had a blast. Congrats on your daughter. I will be having one here any day now. She is due July 28th and I can't wait to meet her.Take good care!
Maria "Pagan" Killian

Crystal said...

Maria - thanks! Good to hear from you and Congratus on your baby. It's a roller-coaster - but so much fun!

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