Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another First....

I actually got to shoot wedding pictures without the pressure of a WEDDING! This beautiful couple asked me to do some "post" wedding pictures for them since they weren't completely satisfied with how their original wedding pictures turned out. They are so relaxed and cute together - we had a really nice time. And a little secret - this lovely lady is part of the reason I went "pro" with my photography business. I took pictures of their family before I was sure that I could REALLY be a photographer - and she really loved the pictures - so here I am!!

Thanks for getting all dressed up again - and for trusting me to take your special pictures. Here's a few of my favorites!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet!! I am without words, I can't wait to see the rest! You would never know by these beautiful photos that we got pretty hot, sweaty, sticky, and generally 'icky' by the end of the shoot. You sure do make us look good! Yes, you REALLY are a photographer :)
-Laura (the blushing 'bride')

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