Monday, November 5, 2007

The joy of love!

I usually don't put this many pictures in one blog post BUT, my husband and I just got back from an amazing weekened in California where one of my dearest friends got married. We have known each other for 16 years now - and the time has just FLOWN by. Seeing her so happy, with an amazing guy, just melts my heart. She asked me to take some pictures for her and even though "I don't do weddings" - I would do anything for my friend Noel. :) So, here are a bunch of my favorites - of course there's lots more but it's going to take me some time to get through them all. I feel so lucky to have a friend like here in my life.

Congratulations Noel & Chris - may your future bring many, many, many happy moments just like these....

PS - You can click on any of the pictures to see them bigger.

Getting ready... that's Deb in the background - we all worked together many years ago and have stayed the best of friends over distance and time.

The BEAUTIFUL bride...

The flowers....

The rings.... the reception was at this really cool wine bar called "wine crush" so I thought this was a perfect "platform" for their rings... :)

The groom and his guys... they were so much fun

The happy couple...

I just love this picture. They are so happy together.

He snuck into my bridal portrait...

This is me and the girls with the happy couple. That's Vicki (second from right) - we were lucky to get a shot where she wasn't sticking out her tongue! She cracks me up! Picture courtesy of my husband - he should be a photographer!

Of course, I had to include MY MAN! :)

And this is Vicki with her man. It was great meeting you John! Come visit us in HOT-lanta!

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