Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A beautiful family

It was a scorcher on Sunday - but we pressed on with our photo session anyway! We had a fun time despite the heat. These lovely people live right across the street from me. Mom is a fabulous seamstress, oldest sister just graduated from Oglethorpe University, middle brother is going to be an architect and the "baby" of the family is very into drama and the arts.

This family has been through a tragedy that no family should have to endure - the loss of a husband and father. These are their first family photos since he passed, and I only hope that I was able to capture the love, strength and courage that I see in each of them. They are my neighbors, but I consider them my friends.

That being said - first up - a collage that I made. You can click on it to see it bigger.

Beautiful mom!

Mom requested this picture and the "kids" obliged! :)

I had to include this one, since she just graduated from the very place we were taking the pictures. Click on it to see it bigger.

And finally, one of my favorites. The sun was going down and they were relaxing under the trees.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this special day!

1 comment:

MommyDekel said...

I love these pictures!

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