Saturday, June 7, 2008

On a personal note....

Last Sunday afternoon we were at Centennial Olympic Park for the CCFA Take Steps walk for a cure to Crohn's & Colitis. Many of you have already heard about this (from my previous posts) so I wanted to share a few pictures. We exceeded our goal of $5,000 and raised a total of $5,500 so far - and the donations keep coming in. Here's our web page if you want to check it out: CURE CROHNS

I really can't put into words how appreciative we are to the many people that have supported us in this effort. The generosity of our friends, family and even strangers, has been unbelievable. THANK YOU to each and every person who participated in our event. Together we made a difference!

So, here are some pictures of the "James Gang" on our special day.

First up - the K-Bear playing in the fountains. She has absolutely no fear of water which is great and scary at the same time!

The youngest "walkers" in our clan.

The whole group - wearing the silly T-shirts I had made. What great sports they are! :)

And the family - even Grampa flew in to celebrate the day with us.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

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