Sunday, November 25, 2007

A gift full circle....

This session brings my business completely full circle since I started last November. I did a couple sessions for a WONDERFUL family around Christmas time. They were so good to me and fun to work with - since I was VERY new at the whole photographer thing. Anyway, the mother bought a gift certificate for her daughter-in-law and this is her family! It has taken us a year to get the session done - for lots of reasons - but it was worth the wait! Sorry for the long story.... :)

These kids are 7 and 9 - which is the oldest siblings I've ever worked with. They were so much fun - we laughed, jumped, made faces, rolled in the leaves. They were totally "into" it with me. I hope mom enjoys these images until I can get the rest ready for her! Thanks for having me in your new home - it's beautiful.

This picture pose/location was chosen by little sis - and it came out so cute!

Oh - the love! This just melts my heart!!

1 comment:

Family said...

WOW! These are just wonderful, as I knew they would be. Makes me want to go and hug them...Thank you!

Proud Grandmother,

Merry Croft

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