Friday, March 21, 2008

My Daughter's Boyfriend...

Well, I hope Mom & Dad don't mind that this little guy's name is on my blog. It's in one of the pictures so it's hard to keep it a secret. But, there's more to the story. These are good friends of ours - and they live just down the street from us. Most of you know that my daughter's name is Kylie but you might not know that we kept her name a secret until she was born. Well, our friends did the same thing and guess what - we now have Kylie and Kyle - born on the SAME DAY only two hours apart. So, does that mean they are destined to be together???

Kyle and Kylie are both going to be TWO next week - and I just can't believe how fast the time has gone. We did this session just a couple hours ago - but I know how excited Mom gets about her pictures - she gives me a hard time when I don't post new pictures to my blog often enough.

So - SURPRISE - here's a few previews for you. There's so many cute pics and I haven't even gotten through them all yet. But, here's some favorites that jumped out at me.

And, of course, a lollipop shot...

Don't you just LOVE the messy lollipop face??

Mom & Dad want some cute pictures with the other member of their family - Miller. But, it's pretty hard to get a dog and a two-year-old to cooperate for the perfect portrait. This one made me laugh though. I think Kyle is trying to choke him.... :)

And this one made me kind of sad - in a good way. He looks so big and grown up - just walking away on his own little adventure - just like my baby girl....

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