Friday, April 18, 2008

My Friend

My heart is heavy and I thought it might help to write about it and share some pictures of a beautiful person. One of my oldest and dearest friends from high school just got news yesterday that her husband has a brain tumor. They are parents to four children, she is a school teacher and he works for his father. She asked him to walk with her for our high school graduation and they have been together ever since. The love they share has carried them through all the challenges of life so far - and it will carry them through this challenge that lies ahead. In the coming days we will find out more - and we are hoping and praying for the very best of news.

These are some pictures I took when I was just learning how to use my "fancy" camera. I felt so honored that she would brave a trip across the country with her 4 month old baby and her first daughter. At the time, I couldn't even imagine going to the grocery store alone with my baby - let alone a THREE HOUR car ride followed by a FOUR HOUR plane ride! I was struggling with the whole "baby thing" and she made it all seem so easy.

Here she is, a beautiful person, mother and friend. Whatever you believe in, please send good thoughts, prayers, luck, wishes and everything else her way.

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