Tuesday, May 27, 2008

They grow TOO fast!

I just can't believe she's 9 months already! This is one of my First Year Planners and she is just growing up so fast! She was so excited about pictures that she wouldn't even take a nap before I came over (poor mom) - but you would never know it. She loves the camera and was such a good sport about all of our antics! The chair, the tu-tu, the hats, the scale.... poor baby!

You can see some of her previous pictures by clicking HERE and HERE.

Isn't she precious!

Sweet angel

She was too big for my scale - her feet were just about touching the ground! We had to improvise. :)

Her mom really loved the hats, but baby "M" wasn't having it! She was so quick to take them off. It looks like she's posing here - but really - she's going for the hat!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You are truly amazing! I am amazed every time that I am not in every shot and that she does not have something in her mouth in every pic!

These are great!

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